
Google Latest Tech News 2018- Google won’t make AI to help kill people

Among the set of artificial intelligence principles released by google in the wake of Drone wars planned by US military is the pledge that the company would never “design or deploy” AI to aid weaponized systems and surveillance.

Instead, Google would focus on technology which is ‘socially beneficial, avoid bias, be tested for safety, have strong privacy protections and be accountable’.

They would selectively help AI to analyse bulk drone surveillance footage including work on contracts with the U.S. government and military.

Latest Tech News 2018 from Google Empire

CEO of Google said “These include cybersecurity, training, military recruitment, veterans’ healthcare, and search and rescue. These collaborations are important, and we’ll actively look for more ways to augment the critical work of these organizations and keep service members and civilians safe.” After present contract expires in 209, there will be no more extension.

Google spokesperson said “There has been public focus on a limited contract we entered into in September 2017 that fell under the U.S. Department of Defence’s Maven initiative. This contract involved drone video footage and low-res object identification using AI, saving lives was the overarching intent. There have been calls for Google to cancel the September 2017 contract with the [DOD]. I would like to be unequivocal that Google Cloud homers its contracts. We will not be pursuing follow on contracts […] and because of that, we are now working with our customer to responsibly fulfil our obligations in a way that works long-term for them and is also consistent with our AI principles.”

Latest Tech News 2018

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