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Tracking firm reportedly leaked phone location data onto web

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Tracking firm reportedly leaked phone location data onto web

Tracking Firm Location Smart Leaked Location Data for Customers of All Major U.S. Mobile Carriers without Consent in Real Time Via Its Web Site.

phone location data onto web

Want real time data of where the mobile is located? Get in touch with LocationSmart, a U.S. based company that acts as an aggregator. It could reveal the location of any AT&T, Sprint, T-Mobile or Verizon phone in the United States to an accuracy of within a few hundred yards.

The New York Times broke the news that a different cell phone location tracking company called Securas Technologies had been selling or giving away location data on customers of virtually any major mobile network provider to a sheriff’s office in MO. And Securas was getting its data through an intermediary — Carlsbad, CA-based LocationSmart.

The threats do not end there. A hacker had broken into the servers of Securus and stolen 2,800 usernames, email addresses, phone numbers and hashed passwords of authorized Securus users- mostly law enforcement officers across the country.

LocationSmart makes available demo on its Web site for potential customers to try out its mobile location technology. Just enter own mobile phone, just by entering their name, email address and phone number into a form on the site. And you have the location by return.

LocationSmart’s home page features the corporate logos of all four the major wireless providers, as well as companies like Google, Neustar, ThreatMetrix, and U.S. Cellular.

Another Cambridge Analytical on the making?

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