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Different types of artificial intelligence you use every day without knowing it

Technology Updates 2018

Artificial Intelligence is embedded in your life so much but you are not aware of the extent.

Artificial Intelligence

AI is all around you,it could be artificial narrow intelligence (A.N.I.), artificial general intelligence (A.G.I), and artificial super intelligence (A.S.I.).

  • Virtual assistants

Apple’s Siri, and Amazon’s Alexa—and “OK Google” all are VAs. Ask Alexa is going beyond in video streaming.

  • Google Translate

Featuring 103 languages and used by more than half a billion people daily,

  • Emoji

Coined In 2015, engineers at Instagram introduced the term “Emojineering,” to describe a new series of programs implemented by the company.

Artificial Intelligence

  • Banking apps

When you deposit a check with your phone’s camera, it’s run through a refined A.N.I.

  • E-commerce recommendations

Every time you shop online, you’re feeding data into an A.N.I.

  • Social network friend recommendations

Same as online shopping recommendations, it’s an A.N.I. that curates the “follow these accounts” or “add these friends” lists.

technology updates 2018

  • Google Translate

Featuring 103 languages and used by more than half a billion people daily,

  • Banking apps

When you deposit a check with your phone’s camera, it’s run through a refined A.N.I. system that can read the check light years faster than any bank teller.

  • E-commerce recommendations

Every time you shop online, you’re feeding data into an A.N.I.

  • Social network friend recommendations

Same as online shopping recommendations, it’s an A.N.I. that curates the “follow these accounts” or “add these friends” lists.

technology updates news

  • YouTube

You tube uses AI extensively.

  • Cars

Driver less cars are all the rage in A.N.I.- assisted automotive tech.  From in-reverse sensors to GPS monitors to less-obvious aspects, like auto-braking systems, your car is more or less a well-packaged computer. And they’re only going to get more capable over time.

  • Chat bots Video games and online games

Nearly every modern video game has an artificial intelligencecomponent.

  • Healthcare

AI now assists doctors in accurately diagnosing types of cancer and various treatments.

  • Airplanes

Airplane autopilot has been around since the early days of aviation, earliergyroscopic device. = is now advanced AI.

  • Google

Google and their parent company are, these days, the trailblazers of artificial intelligence. They rebooted Google Research as Google AI. Google search engine is most popular.


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